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Press abuse is at an all-time high. The recent press treatment of Ben Stokes, Gareth Thomas, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex in addition to hundreds of ordinary people is the latest evidence that press conduct today is no better than the days of phone-hacking.

In 2012, the Leveson Inquiry was established in the wake of the phone-hacking scandal at the now-defunct News of the World tabloid. It was a public, judge-led inquiry set up to examine the culture, practice and ethics of the press. Lord Justice Leveson made recommendations on the future of press regulation, which showed how it was possible to protect ordinary people from cruel and unethical treatment by the press while at the same time safeguarding and enhancing freedom of expression. In March 2013, the three main political parties supported the implementation of Leveson’s reforms, and so did the public. In fact, more than 175,000 people signed our petition calling for immediate implementation.

6 years later, however, this has still not happened, and press abuse STILL continues.

This General Election is our chance to protect our democracy, save thousands of people from press abuse and harassment, and to help right the wrongs of cancelling Leveson Part 2.

Enter your postcode below to write to your local candidates to ask if they will commit to ensuring a better press for us all: